Four Steps To A Better Mindset
I've been talking a lot on the blog, on social, and in my coaching calls about the importance of mental health and overall wellness to your business. At this stage of my life and business, wellness is crucial, and unfortunately I've learned the hard way how important it is (not only for yourself, but for your career) to take care of both your mind and body. Today I wanted to share four easy, practical, and tangible ways you can focus on taking care of yourself during the week that can help minimize stress and burnout.
Check your surroundings:
This is as simple as organizing the clutter in your home or office, and keeping your car clean. I’m no clean freak, but lately I’ve leaned into keeping things tidy and let me tell you- it feels so good. This can also mean tidying up what content you are consuming and reading. I get so many messages from so many of you saying how frustrated you are with social media and the content you are seeing, but the truth of the matter is you alone are in control of what you consume. I like to focus on the positives I can get from any type of online content I subscribe to, and I try to spend my time wisely on the Internet. I focus on the content I like, that inspires me to create better content for you, and things that make me feel good.
Having realistic expectations:
I am super goal oriented and have noticed that when I set realistic expectations for any goals I have for myself I feel less stressed about the outcome. For example: one goal was to launch my podcast while I was at home with a newborn- so I worked towards that goal and got a few episodes recorded before my maternity leave. However, I ended up pushing back my launch date past my initial plan. Old me would’ve pushed way too hard to get it launched too soon, while the newer me (with a better mindset and realistic expectations) realized I did in fact achieve a huge part of my goal, and while the launch date was delayed I had episodes ready to go and was actually more ahead than I would’ve been had I not waited.
Healthy habits:
This one might seem pretty obvious but having a healthy body and mind really is key to a better overall mindset. I live by an 80/20 rule where during the week I do my best to eat healthy, focus on drinking water, and getting to bed early- and 20% of the time I indulge in the things that really make me smile, like ice cream and candy and an occasional glass of wine. As I’ve gotten older, though, I realize there’s so much value in a good night's rest (and honestly, the older I get the more I worry about a hangover and it’s just not worth it LOL).
Enjoying small things:
Ok, I'll admit this one is super cheesy but it’s so true. As you get older and responsibilities get heavier and more frequent, you have to look at the small things as victories. Go on a walk with your family, hang out with your kids, enjoy your clients, take pictures, have a bowl of ice cream, watch your favorite TV show, put on reruns of a show you liked as a kid, put your coffee in your favorite mug. I’m telling you that when I focus on really small wins throughout the day it plays a huge part in my mood.
Being mindful of your mental and physical health (while balancing a demanding career and personal life) doesn't have to be a huge ordeal- small habits will really start to add up quickly. Pay attention to the things that make you happy during the week and make time for them. Hopefully these tips help, and know that if you are still struggling with feeling overwhelmed and burnt out you can always book a coaching call with me to help you get back on track.
For more on promoting wellness within your business, check out this blog.
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