Recently on my IG I've been getting a lot of questions about saving and budgeting as a solo business owner. I'll break down some of my own favorite tips in a later blog, but first I want to share some of the amazing advice from the DLL community. There's no one better to learn from than those who have been there!
@glowandgobeautyco - "If you can't afford to buy it twice, don't buy it. If you can't write it off, buy it in cash"
@facesbyjazmyn - "Cash budgeting envelopes! Keeps you on track and lets you see everything you have" - "Automatic monthly transfers to an account I can't see"
@thebrowfox - "Every dollar has a job"
@beautybyhannahlebron - "Read Profit First + make separate accounts for checking, savings, taxes and payroll"
@thewaxroomaz - "Buy supplies/products in bulk = less shipping costs"
@catiedartistry - "The DIGIT app!"
+ my #1 tip is multiple bank accounts with automatic transfers to all. DON’T TOUCH THE $$. Watch it grow 🫶🏼
For more on this, check out my conversation with @thetampawaxer about investing in yourself and your business here.