How I Keep My IG Stories Interesting

How I Keep My IG Stories Interesting

How I Keep My IG Stories Interesting

I’ve said this for a long time, but IG stories are more than just a place to promote your business. They aren’t called "stories" for no reason. You have to tell a story (And a good one)!

Social media is an extension of our businesses, our brands and ourselves. If you’re in the beauty industry then it’s also an extension of your online shop or treatment room. IG is your hub where all these things come together and a place that you can creatively tell a story to keep people not only following along, but eventually wanting to purchase whatever you’re selling.

Aside from all that, if we’re going to use it we might as well have fun with it!

The platform has changed so much since when I started using it and I’ll admit, can be frustrating at times with all the new features, constant demands and flair but at the end of the day, I know what it’s good for and have strategies in place for when I'm less-than-inspired.

But, what did we even do before stories? They are my favorite way to share my business with new people and the reach can be incredible.

So how do I keep it interesting day-in and day-out, and how can you do the same?

Below are a few tips that help me keep things fresh and fun on Instagram:

+ Storytelling - I start my day on IG with an intro and it usually starts with some sort of routine from my morning. What follows is a middle and an end. I don’t just blast a bunch of random marketing posts and walk away. I always try to keep it interesting and share something in a new way than I have before.

+ Colors/Branding/Aesthetic - Because I’ve been doing this for so long, I’ve nailed down my aesthetic- but it’s one of the things I love most about social media, it’s a true creative outlet and a place for me to branch out with colors, trends and what I’m loving. Knowing your style, colors and keeping things cohesive will make your stories memorable and eye catching. This is really the hardest part for most, but something I geek out over.

+ Pictures - Professional photos will take your stories to the next level, but I’ve had the most fun with snapping iPhone photos and using those lately. It’s all in the angles, lighting and what you’re capturing. Pictures still excite me more than anything.

+ Consistency - For the most part, I show up everyday. When I show up I don’t half-ass my stories. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but content should be consistent.

+ Commercial Breaks - I periodically drop in stories that share all the things I need to promote but in a beautifully curated graphic. I like to call these commercial breaks. For example- I always plug my coaching, products I sell, new blogs and podcasts episodes, but I have graphics ready to go with all the info that are branded and cute. If you want some for your own business, we can create them together with this custom IG story pack.

+ Helpful Tips - You’ll never see me posting without some sort of helpful takeaway. I want you as the follower to learn something new, become inspired by something I’ve shared or laugh at something I’ve shared. No pointless posting for me!

My extra tip here is to act as if your stories are a virtual treatment room. How can you translate what you do at work onto IG so you are able to share with people what it would be like if they were with you for the day, bought a product from you or booked a service?

I've compiled all of the knowledge I've gained in social media into an affordable, easy-to-digest digital guide that you can check out here. And if you find yourself feeling like you need a little more guidance with social media and content creation, you can book a one-on-one call with me here


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