Apps I Use Daily For My Business + A Few Things I'm Loving

Apps I Use Daily For My Business + A Few Things I'm Loving

Apps I Use Daily For My Business + A Few Things I'm Loving

Owning a business in the age of the smartphone is amazing. There are so many apps, products, services, etc that take away so much of the mundane, day-to-day busy work that would otherwise take up half of my time. Planning, scheduling, posting, invoicing, and more can all be done with a few clicks- and a few minutes of my time. As an entrepreneur, my time is literally my money, and I have to treat it that way. I don't use anything fancy for my business, but there are a handful of things I use on the regular that I wanted to share today. And because I can't only talk about business, I'll drop a few personal things I've been loving lately, too.  

Tailwind: For scheduling my Pinterest posts and the @shopdearlashlove page. They offer tons of great tools like suggested hashtags, smart scheduling, and auto-posting. It works best with business accounts.

Afterlight: I’ve been using this photo editing app to add grain to my pictures and give them different filters that look like Polaroid shots. I’ve even printed these pictures and framed at home!

Canva: Where I design everything from IG stories to newsletters to promo cards. Read more about how I use Canva here.

UNUM: I love this app for my @dearlashlove IG page to help plan the layout of my feed and just to make sure the pictures look good next to each other. This helps me when I’m working with different colors and fonts and want to make sure it flows- an essential part of cohesive branding!

Google Tasks: I'm a good old-fashioned list girl and Google Tasks is my go-to. I keep different running categories for home, work, and everything else. It helps me stay focused, accountable, and there's no better feeling than clearing out those tasks!

Social Print Studio: I've been printing a ton of my photos and albums through here, directly from my phone. I love the quality and style.

TheSkimm: Where I choose to read about current events. It's a newsletter delivered to your inbox every morning that prepares you for the day in minutes. It's the only way I feel I can stay caught up while being so busy.

The Productivity ProjectIt’s all about productivity tips that are simple and applicable. I really got into it when he researched waking up at 5:30 am and found he was more productive and happier going to bed a little later and starting his morning later. As a new mom, this isn’t always easy to implement but I will say— I’m learning to lean into a schedule that makes me most “productive”. Meaning-I’m alert, working on projects I find most important and I’m in tune with each project. None of this involves starting the day doing cardio at 5 am ;) The point of this book is that productivity looks different for everyone "Changing your mindset takes energy and attention, but will let you get more done in less time".

Free People Sweater: I've worn this 4 times in one week, so I already know it's going to be a staple in my closet. 


If you give any of these a try, let me know what you think! And let me know in the comments what apps you're loving lately. 





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