I've been loving having artist features back on the blog- and being able to spotlight beauty professionals in our industry that I find inspiring. This week I chatted with Teresa from @bloom_skincarewithteresa about her desert island skincare routine and her tips for new estheticians. (Also, shout out to Cosmedix- we both love their products!)
Read on to see what she had to say:
What are your desert island skincare products?
- Suncreen! Hydrate + from Cosmedix is very hydrating but not greasy.
- Retinol! It does everything… the key is choosing the right one for your skin type. I prefer Serum 16 from Cosmedix because it is hydrating and great for all skin types, even sensitive skin!
What are your best tips for setting up your space for client?
- You don’t need a big fancy bed, but get a mattress topper and a heated blanket for extra comfort. Have hooks to hang their clothes and purses, and a full length mirror. A seasonal candle is always a nice touch.
- Don’t do what everyone else is doing, bring your own personality in- but also keep us clean and professional.
Anything else you want to share with other estheticians?
- Do your research, and carry a skincare line that you love and can get behind. If you love it your clients will trust you and it will be easy to sell. Don’t settle just because the company doesn’t have a minimum.
- Don’t ever stop educating yourself on new skincare trends and ingredients, you need to be able to answer questions your clients throw at you. It’s all about building trust.
- Don’t overbook yourself, schedule mini breaks to snack and pee!
Be sure to check out Teresa's site and give her a follow on IG!
If you're interested in being featured on the blog, email us at hello@dearlashlove.com