The holidays creep up on us & then they are over just like that. This year, I want you well rested & ready to tackle your clients!
After 8 years of taking in person clients and doing a lot of things right, I want to remind you set some serious boundaries this holiday season that carry into the new year as well. Here are a few of my non-negotiables during holiday(and really all year long) that keep me grounded:
1. My hours are SET and they are what they are. Have a problem saying no? Write down your no fly zone hours you absolutely can't work and look at them daily. Remember that your personal well being and family are just as important as a needy client, and that working overtime will cause you to be depleted for any clients that follow.
2. Because my hours are set and I know what to expect- I am showing up 1000% for my clients. We've all had that day where we kind of roll in and half ass our work (guilty!). During the holiday and in general, it's important to show up and be present for paying clients. Leave your trash at the door!
3. I'm packing a ton of food and I'm eating it. Thankfully, the caffeinated on an empty stomach trend is making it's way out- no one wants a hangry artist.
4. I take a vacation even if it's on my couch. As a business owner, we for the most part make our schedules (or should?). I mark my calendar out of office with no regrets. Push your retail beforehand or fill up your books before vacation (don't forget your no fly zone work days & priorities) but take the time off!
5. I don't stay up late or drink. And yes, this is coming from someone who used to be a night owl and would end the night with a glass or two of wine. Now, taking clients tired or even worse-hungover...just isn't for me.
All of my non-negotiables lead back to my priorities, which before I had a family didn't exist. It's taken me a long time to adjust to my new way of working and it's not for everyone, but I choose quality of life over living for my business.
If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and burnt out taking clients, and managing the million other day to days of your business, I can help! Book a call with me and choose the business option- we can work together to get you organized and put systems into place that give you time to focus on yourself.