Three Topics You Can Blog About As An Esthetician

Three Topics You Can Blog About As An Esthetician

Three Topics You Can Blog About As An Esthetician

I want to first shout out for giving me the idea to talk about this! Having a blog is a great way to spice up your website, share your knowledge with clients, and have a place where your content can live. 

Maybe you've thought about writing a blog, or have read mine and are feeling inspired- either way, having some sort of blog on your website is great for existing clients to read, for new ones to find you (and for SEO!). Today I want to share 3 simple topics that you can write about today to get your own blog started. 


  • If you’re selling products- a set of skincare products your client should be using TOGETHER. Breakdown why you love them and how they work in a way that a client can understand. 
  • When using products—-how much to apply, in what order, and what time of day. 
  • Something health or beauty related that a client may Google like “how to stay hydrated” or benefits of vitamin c. 


Remember that blog posts don't have to read like a novel- it just needs to be informative! The whole point of a blogging for me is to be a resource for current clients, customers and anyone else who follows my business. Remember that you are backed by your education, and you have the inside scoop that clients want. You just need to be organized and efficient when sharing that knowledge! 

For more on this topic, listen to the recent DLL Diaries podcast episode here. If you need help getting started with setting up a blog page on your website, you can also book a web design call with me here. 


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